ELECTROSPAWN (Series) Numbers 1 - 5
SOLD (except for the cube shaped ‘Electrospawn No. 4’) Reclaimed electroplaters ‘weights’. Steel or stainless steel, brazed or silver soldered.
6'' (15cm) tall - 19.5’’ (49cm) tall
A series of small sculptures, all incorporating a shiny metallic nugget-like ‘weight’ at their core. These objects started life as simple nuts, bolts or offcuts of steel, used unceremoniously as weights at an electroplaters near Weston-super-Mare. After years of repeat plating, layers of copper, nickel, then chrome have deposited. Their flourishing, coral-like naturalistic form, amazingly, was ‘designed’ by electrical current. The offspring of electricity (if electricity bred) might look rather more Sci-Fi I’d imagined. The electrically-spawned weights remind us however, that our own nervous system is merely a series of electrical signals.